My Weight Training Method

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Whenever you lift weights, do not make the weights too heavy for yourself, or else, you could increase your chances getting injuries of tear of muscles or tendons, or get heavy muscle fatigue in which that would take a long time to recover. If you can't do at least 10 reps on 1 set or more with those weights, then you would need to lighten them up to where you could do at least 10 reps on 1 set or more. When your muscles grow, feed your muscles sufficient nutrient, or else those muscles would starve, then you would feel weak, and they would not grow anymore.

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Whenever I lift weights, I work with the light weights to do fast repetitions help build up speed in my arms and upper body in which that is 1 of the training methods of the late martial art expert and actor Bruce Lee, and then I work with the heavy weights to build up muscle mass, but I always make the weights heavy enough to where I could do at least 20 fast repetitions on 1 set or more so that I would build up muscle mass and maintain speed. Besides that, using the heaviest weights to where you could do at least 20 fast repetition on 1 set or more would reduce the chances of muscle or tendon injuries.

Do this training method 3 to 4 times a week, and allow at least 1 day of rest between workout days, and 2 days of rest between workout weeks.

Even track bike cyclist must have upper body strength as well as lower body strength in order to gain more leverage on their explosive sprint, and they could bend a low quality handle bars, or break the low quality drive chain.

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